Workshops and Entertainment

  • ALL DAY - There will be movies and live music throughout the day so plan to join us for a day of entertainment and education. In addition, the following workshops will be held in AC-218:
  • 9:30 WHAT EVERYONE CAN DO EVERY DAY, a presentation by Kay McKeen, Executive Director of SCARCE.
  • 10:45 CONGREGATIONS CARING FOR CREATION. Rev. Clare Butterfield of Faith in Place will talk about what faith communities are doing and can do to help the environment.
  • 11:30 FINANCING ENERGY EFFICIENCY FOR HOMES AND BUSINESSES". Bob and Linda Babcock of Harmony Funding will present on ways to get the funds to make your home more earth-friendly. From "Energy Efficient/Improvement Mortgages" (EEM/EIM's), to tax credits, to commercial properties and houses with no equity, the Babcocks will help people understand what is available to them.
  • 12:00 CONSERVATION @ HOME: EARTH-FRIENDLY LANDSCAPING. Jim Kleinwachter, a member of the staff of The Conservation Foundation, is the presenter. Jim has a passion for the environment, including prairie and wetland restoration in the west suburbs. Jim was the recipient of the 1999 Paul Butler Memorial Award for Outstanding Volunteer Service for The Conservation Foundation and joined the staff in January, 2004.
  • 1:15 HOME/LAND SECURITY, by Ron and Vicki Nowicki. The Nowickis, owners of THE LAND OFFICE, will describe their efforts at suburban sustainability during the last 30 years at Circle Gardenfarm near Downtown Downers Grove. Ron is a Landscape Architect/writer/educator and Vicke is a garden designer/writer/educator. They will show how their passive solar home and office and edible landscape combine to conserve energy and resources. See how their land has become a beautiful, renewable and sustainable resource that reduces greenhouse gas emissions, increases biodiversity, and demonstrates that cooperation and nurturing in the larger Land Community make us part of the forces that give life to all.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

What a Day!

What a day we had at the Sustainable Living in the Suburbs Fair. Over 35 vendors, exhibitors and organizations had a presence, clearly demonstrating that we have so many things we can do to address the global climate, environmental and energy challenges we face, and there are so many people who are already committed to making a difference. While we don't have exact numbers, estimates are between 200 and 300 people milled through during the day.

So from here, we will continue promote patronization and participation in all that was present that day, and to continually expand the community network. If sustainability is going to happen, it will be when communities can optimally meet their own needs and not have to exploit/bribe/cheat what they need from others. While our world is interdependent, I believe there is much we can do to bring justice to all people and meet our needs as well. My hope is that this fair is the start of demonstrating that this community can be a model for making it all happen.

Special thanks to Sarah Milone and Andy Richmond at COD, and to Nicky Parks for her music. And of course, thanks to all who made the day happen!

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